Sweet Charity 2016
Date: 28th October 2016
Venue: Heworth Grange School, Gateshead
Type of Production: Musical
Producer / Director: Bea Atkinson
Musical Director: Jonny Winter
Choreographer: Helen Wilson
Review Author: Foster Johnson
Felling Stage Society are now in their 93rd Year and decided to recreate a microcosm of this timeframe by staging a tribute to the swinging sixties with their interpretation of Neil Simon’s classic musical Sweet Charity.
Before a full house we were treated to an enjoyable night’s entertainment as the Society related the tale of a lovelorn girl’s quest for happiness.
The pivotal role in the show is of course Charity Hope Valentine and all of the action both musical and dramatically revolves around her. For this you need a performer who can not only sing, dance, and act to the highest standard but have the stamina to be on stage performing for the vast majority of the show. Well we had that in spades in the shape of Lisa Givens. She gave a wonderfully interpretative performance which was a delight to witness.
She was also well supported by the other Principals in the cast in particular Charlotte Black and Alisar Taylor-Hassanyeh as her ballroom buddies Helene and Nickie and whose rendition of “There’s Gotta Be Something Better than This” was a delight to see.
Ian Nugent and Michael Skoyles , Paul Outterside and Lucy McCabe as the insecure Oscar Linquist, film star Vittorio Vidal, Dance Hall Manager and Ursula and respectively gave solid performances and interpretations of their characters as did Leon Gill as Daddy Brubeck with his fine rendition of “Rhythm of Life”
One of the iconic numbers in the show is of course “Big Spender” .As such everyone looks to it as the yardstick for entertainment. It has to be delivered with panache, freedom from inhibition, and gusto. For this you need a group of Fan-Dango Hostesses who are unafraid to do. So well done the hostesses of Felling who really lit up the stage with their rendition.
Of course the final product would be nothing without the Production Team. So well done to Bea Atkinson, Johnny Winter for his great orchestra and musical interpretation and Helen Wilson for her movement and choreography and finally to the chorus themselves for all their hard work and dedication.
Here are some of the photos taken by Stagedoor Photography during our dress rehearsal